Thursday, August 28, 2008

Vietnam's 'miracle baby' gets new home in Seattle

Vietnam's 'miracle baby' gets new home in Seattle
18/Aug/2008 Intellasia | Kxly
Aug 18, 2008 - 7:00:00 AM

A Vietnam child, left in the jungle by his mother to die, has a new home in the Northwest.

Two-year-old Thien Nhan survived in the jungle for three days after an animal ate his leg. Monks stumbled upon him and rushed him to a hospital.

"When he was found, he was covered with blood and ants," said Son Pham of Kids Without Borders, a non-profit organisation that helps children all over the world.

On Thursday he landed at Sea-Tac Airport, where his new parents were anxiously waiting for him. Adoption is rare in Vietnam, but his adoptive parents say they never thought twice about adopting Nhan.

"I'm very excited and I look forward to see what happens," said Tran Mai Anh, the boy's new mother.

Nhan needs extensive medical treatment, which should be no problem since Surgeons from around America are lining up to help him.
"It's a huge opportunity for him to have the medical treatment here," Anh said.

Thien and his adoptive parents will travel to Chicago, where surgeons will operate on him and try to give him a normal life.

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